About Brain Ways

Betsy J. Schooley, Creator and Director, was a classroom teacher for over 25 years. She holds a lifetime teaching credential from the State of California, as well as California State Certificates in Language Development, CLAD, and Spanish Bilingual. She earned a B.S.from the University of Illinois and an M.A. from San Francisco State.

When Betsy began teaching in the 1970’s, scientists were beginning to understand more about the brain and learning, but this information was not available to the average classroom teacher. Even in the 1990’s, when neuroscience began to publish extraordinary research in brain plasticity, teachers were never urged to use the information gleaned from these studies as a basis for instruction. In all Betsy’s years as a classroom teacher, only one in-service dealt with how brain work could help students. It is no wonder that few teachers use brain-based methodology to help children learn!.


When Betsy retired from classroom teaching in 2004, she wanted to find a way to help those types of students who she had seen struggling. She took a Neuro Biology class at UC Berkeley to become familiar with brain terms and functions. She then began to research people who had made a difference. She went to conferences and workshops to learn more about how the brain controls or affects different aspects of learning. She read every book she could find on ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, and the Brain–from the Dali Lama to Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Eric Kandel, Dr. Michael Merzenich, and Dr. Charles Krebs. Brain Ways is the result of 25+ years of teaching combined with Betsy’s extensive research into the recent advancements in the study of the brain and learning.

Brain Ways is a one-to-one program consisting of exercises designed to stimulate the learner’s vestibular sense to strengthen information processing. Brain Ways has had success with many learning difficulties, including Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Auditory Processing problems, Vision Processing difficulties, Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and developmental problems with motor skills–from gross skills such as running and kicking, to the fine motor skills involved in handwriting.

Structure of Intellect, SOI® assesses learners’ aptitudes. It is so wonderful when kids come to Brain Ways and learn they are so smart, maybe even genius level, in a few areas. It really starts kids off positively after hearing only negatives in school for years. The SOI® reports on learning style, academic strengths and weaknesses, and, if there is an underlying vision and/or auditory problem. Dr. Frank Belgau developed The Learning Breakthrough Program and Brain Ways clients use any and all of his boards along with hundreds of pendulum ball biofeedback activities. Retained Primitive and Postural Reflexes are assessed and worked on. Brain Gym® is used with each learner and assigned as a daily activity. Vision Therapy is available for those who need it. Nearly every client works on Auditory Processing via the vestibular work and Integrated Listening Systems®. Links to all of Betsy’s mentors can be found on the BrainWaysLinks above.

The Learning Breakthrough Program is a deceptively simple program approved for use by Ed Hallowell as a “strength-based” treatment for ADHD, Dyslexia and learning difficulties. Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell, ADHD expert and best-selling author, announces making the Learning Breakthrough Program available at the prestigious Hallowell Centers in both Massachusetts and New York. Dr. Hallowell’s inclusion of Learning Breakthrough’s proven balance and sensory remediation program is a welcome addition to the therapy options offered at his US centers.

the Belgau Platform Board

Learning Breakthrough will be critical to his positive, multidisciplinary, “strength-based” treatment approach and is being used to help solve the challenges of ADHD, Dyslexia, CAPD as well as other cognitive needs. The program’s value lies in enabling clients to further their developmental and academic objectives as well as social, behavioral and self-esteem ones, which is exactly why it has been so valuable as a complementary treatment in similar clinics for decades. Brain Ways has been using the Belgau Platform Board and Pendulum Ball activities since the first days when Brain Ways was called Rewire.